In My Business is Circumference I have paired works on paper (which I describe below) with images taken from an old astronomy textbook. I am interested in contrasting ‘all that we know’ and have documented in the form of science with our lives as we know them.

I connect to some of this imagery in ways that were probably not intended. Where some see proof and absolute answers I sense meanings that are relational and contingent.

I am using the appropriated scientific drawings as footnotes to imagery that subverts and challenges their meaning in an attempt to challenge absolute answers to who and how we should be in this world. 

Screenshot 2018-05-03 12.10.51.png

I make some of the work  through a printmaking process where I push dry mediums, such as powdered graphite and chalk pastels, through a photographically exposed silkscreen onto printmaking paper. As I press the graphite onto the screen it becomes almost solidly black, the image itself is not revealed until I lift the screen off the paper. 

The process forces me to give up personal control and attachment to a certain outcome. 

The images are made up of bit patterns that break up into dots at the edges of the image, or anywhere where there is not a significant amount of information. As you get up close you can see the veracity of what you are seeing being challenged.

Making work that questions itself connects me to the ideas with which I work.